Experience unique luxury here
in our natural hot springs.
Mitsui Garden Hotels' only natural hot spring bath, using only the abundant amount of hot water that springs from the premises and no pressurized water. In addition to the indoor and outdoor baths, a mist sauna is also available. Enjoy a moment to calm your mind while admiring the outside greenery.

Indoor baths
Sodium chloride high salt baths effective for relieving fatigue, improving health and sensitivity to cold. You can soak in the hot water while looking out over the courtyard, which is bathed in pleasant sunlight.

Outdoor baths
Outdoor baths with a pleasant breeze that crosses over them while you enjoy the comfortable natural hot spring water, which has a high heat-retaining effect, keeping the water warm.

Mist sauna
Male and female mist saunas that are less stressful on the body. Enjoy a relaxing and healing moment.

Changing rooms
"The 'powder room' area overlooks the trees in the courtyard and is a bright, white space.

Natural Hot Spring Kashiwa-no-ha, a place that heals the mind and body, has three main strengths,
according to onsen critic Gunji Isamu.
First is the water’s high salt content.
This 40.6°C saline spring (similar to seawater) prevents sweat from evaporating on the skin and has great heat retention, keeping the bathwater warm.
Second is the abundance of hot water.
The amount of water that comes from the spring is 300 liters per minute, making it a wonderful source that is the equivalent of four to five Japanese hot spring inns.
And third is the color and aroma of the baths.
The color of the spring is a light brown, and the water has a uniwue and pleasant quality. The natural aroma, which can be described as the scent of the seashore, adds to the hot spring’s atmosphere.

Mr. Isamu Gunji
Born in 1960, he graduated from Tokyo University of Science and is a first-class architect.
He has won an unprecedented three consecutive national "onsen" (hot springs) championships on TV Tokyo's show, "TV Champion".
He is well known through various media for his pursuit of quality in hot springs.
He has spent more than 40 years visiting onsen all over Japan and, as of 2020, has visited about 5,900 onsen spots (and about 8,500 onsen facilities). He was ranked second in Japan in the first hot spring travel certification test sponsored by the largest travel agency in Japan, JTB.
Authored books (in Japanese only)
"112 Hot Springs in Japan" (Tatsumi Publishing Co., Ltd.), "Itto Nyukon Onsen" (Yama-kei Publishers), "Finding secret, rare and unusual hot springs" (Kadokawa Shoten Co., Ltd.), and others.