
Guests also have access to a 24-hour lounge, where you can relax in a comfortable space. There is a drinks section and an amenities section.
Care staff are on duty 24 hours a day to help you in case of an emergency and support you during your stay. We are also planning to host an event for cancer patients, held in collaboration with an external company, at the National Cancer Center Hospital East, and a seminar on palliative care in the hotel lounge. Please note that this lounge can be used by those who have arrived prior to check-in and also after check-out.
Floor | 2F |
Open | 24 hours |
Emergency response by care staff

Our AI cameras can detect accidents or unusual events in communal areas
In order for cancer patients to move around the hotel with peace of mind, AI cameras are installed throughout the hotel's corridors and other common areas. When abnormal behaviour such as doubling over or collapsing is detected, the cameras notify the care staff, who along with hotel staff, will hurry to the scene of the accident and also notify the National Cancer Centre Hospital East.
* Please note that the AI-based abnormal behaviour detection function does not guarantee 100% detection of the target's abnormal behaviour.

Toilets are fitted with call buttons.
Call buttons are installed in the guest rooms and toilets of the hotel. In the event of an emergency, care staff are notified and will hurry to the scene of emergency along with hotel staff.

You can contact care staff from your room at the touch of a button.
Telephones are placed on the rooms' bedside tables for those who are worried about a change of condition during the night. In the event of an emergency, the phone will connect to care staff at the touch of a button, who will then rush to the room together with hotel staff.